How do I cancel one or more sessions from our programme? Follow
To cancel a session from your programme you will need to log into your account on and ensure you have the correct admin access to allow you to edit the programme.
Once logged in, click into the coaching tab on the left hand side of the screen:
Then scroll down to your active programmes:
Click into the programme type you wish to cancel sessions for (All Stars, Dynamos Holiday Camp, etc). Please note you will need to click into the linked name of the programme (in blue) for the programme as clicking anywhere in the box will not take you to your programme.
Click into the 'options' box on the right hand side which will give you three options in the drop down. You want to choose the bottom 'view sessions' option:
From here just click into the session you wish to cancel and change the status box at the top to show as 'hidden' rather than 'public' and scroll down to the bottom to save your changes using the 'save session' button.
This will remove the session you have chosen from your programme and will also remove it from the session schedule on the club sign up page which is visible to parents and anyone else wishing to book onto your programme.