How to complete your club checklist Follow
Each club will be required to fully complete their organisation checklist to ensure their club/centre is compliant and to ensure any programmes they will be offering appears on the public club finder page.
Please see below for information on completing each section of the organisation checklist.
Please note before you begin that the 'Safeguarding' section has an optional Play Cricket ID field which will require you to enter your Play Cricket club ID, if you have one, and not an individual Play Cricket ID. If you don't have a club ID, or you are not sure, then please just leave this blank.
For help locating your Play Cricket club ID please see this helpful step by step guide and video - How to find your Play-Cricket club ID
If you have a Play Cricket club ID but this is rejected then it will indicate one of the below reasons:
- Your club is not on the Safe Hands Management System
- Your club is on the Safe Hands Management System but the safeguarding officer for the club is not yet compliant
To access your checklist log into your ClubSpark account with the appropriate administration role and click into the home button on the left hand side and note that the progress bar will begin to fill once you start working through the fields
Register your club
This section contains the All Stars and Dynamos Cricket club T&Cs (a shortened version of the most important aspects is shown, however there is also a link to the full version next to the tick box).
Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions and then click 'confirm' to register your club and complete this section.
Connect a Stripe account
Every club will need to have a Stripe account linked to their ClubSpark club profile in order to show on the public club finder page and enable them to take payments for bookings. If you don't have a Stripe account linked then you can connect one in this section by clicking into the 'Connect Stripe' button
If your club does already have this in place then it will show as green automatically for you (as in the image below) and no further action will be needed in this section:
Additional note: Once your Stripe account is linked, we would encourage you to click on the 'view dashboard' link within this section and check that your stripe account does not have any restrictions on it, as this will prevent parents from being able to book onto your programme. For help verifying your Stripe account please see this article - Stripe support - verification
The information included in this section will provide additional details. If your club is registered on the Safe Hands Management System then you will just need to click the option 'yes' and then 'submit for approval'.
If your club is not on the Safe Hands Management System then toggle to 'no' and a box will appear which will enable you to upload a safeguarding document for your club. The document will need to be a safeguarding certificate for a Club Safeguarding Officer from their attendance on the face to face 'Safe Hands Course'. Once uploaded click 'submit for approval' and this will then be approved by your county board representative prior to your programme start date.
First aid
You will need to add a minimum of a basic first aid certificate for one of the coaches taking part in the sessions. To do this click in to the box to either drag and drop or browse for your document and then click 'Submit for approval'.
Liability insurance
The ECB offer insurance to compliant clubs through Howdens for the central club insurance scheme. If your club is insured through Howdens then just click on the 'yes' button and then 'submit for approval'.
If you do not have insurance through Howdens then just toggle to 'no' where a box will appear enabling you to upload a club insurance document and then click 'submit for approval' and this will then be approved by your county board representative prior to your programme start date.
Key club contact
The key club contact area will need to contain the details of the person at the club who you want to be responsible for receiving all critical emails for National Youth Programmes and will also be the account holder on the store to manage store credit and purchase additional equipment with your accumulated credit. To add your key club contact click 'add contact'.
Fill in the fields in the box that appears in the centre of the screen, choosing either an existing contact or new contact, depending on if they are already listed in your club contact list, then save by clicking 'add contact' again.
Add Activators
The final step is to add an activator to your club. You can do this by clicking 'add activator' and choosing either a new contact or an existing contact.
You will add as a new contact if the person you are looking to add is not currently listed in your club contact list and will need to fill in all of the fields required - first and last name, email address, phone number, and then the activator role you require them to have.
If the person you wish to add is currently linked to your club then choose existing contact and start typing the name into the box. Options will appear when you start typing and then just click into the name you wish to be added and click 'add activator' to save and turn your final section green.
You have now completed the organisation checklist and your progress bar should reflect the sections you have completed.