How do I approve checklists in the Control Centre? Follow
You will be required to approve documents on the organisation checklist and this will be carried out within the Control centre.
To do this ensure you are logged into the Control Centre, and navigate to the 'Organisations' tab on the left hand side menu and then into 'Checklists'
Use filters or the search bar to locate clubs by name or ID. You can also filter by Any approver or status
Click on the club name to review the checklist details to ensure all requirements are met.
After clicking the club, expand the Organisation Checklist by clicking on the down arrow
This will show you which items are complete and which need to be reviewed:
Click 'Review' and download the uploaded document and accept or reject as needed.
You can also see details like the administrators, activators and programmes associated with the selected club.
Additional tip: Click on the 'Open organisation' button to view the club page in a new browser tab.