Disputes Follow
Once you have created an account, please make sure that you go in to your profile to set up your preferences; namely to select what ‘Notifications’ you receive from Stripe.
Please select the box to mark email notifications for ‘Disputes’ as there have been several cases whereby disputes have been raised but clubs have not been notified and this has resulted in a fine being applied by Stripe.
A disputed payment prompts the Stripe account user (the club) to provide confirmation that the payment is genuine. If the Stripe account user does not respond in a timely manner then a dispute fee will debit the users bank account which is approximately £15.
Please check your club’s Stripe account regularly for any raised disputes, to ensure these disputes are responded to in a timely manner to lessen the chance of any penalties being imposed by Stripe. To do this;
Log in to your clubs’ Stripe account >>
Click on ‘Payments’ (on the left-hand side of the page) >>
Click on ‘Disputes’ from the drop-down >>
Here you can see if any disputes have been raised