Signing Up Your Child - Important Information Follow
For the optimal experience, please register on a desktop or laptop (if possible) rather than a handheld device (phone/tablet) as we find that this method is the most successful on average.
Try to register when you have a free slot of time because if the system times you out, you may experience problems logging back in (with an incomplete registration). We can help you through this of course, should you run into any issues (see below).
You will need to input your details first and then your child’s details. This is because you will receive an error message saying 'you are not over 16 years old' and you will not be able to proceed until you make the necessary amendments.
If you are unable to find your child's school on our database just begin typing the name of the school and you should then have the option to choose 'prefer not to say'.
We aim to deliver all t-shirt's prior to the course start date. Should the t-shirt not arrive in prior to the start date, your child can wear what they want, so long as it is sport and weather appropriate (please see the size guide for all measurements for shirt sizes)
Please note that you have a 24 hour window from the time you book to amend your child's t-shirt order. After this initial 24 hours you may not be able to amend your order (dependent upon the stage your t-shirt is at, we may try but make no guarantee that we can amend this for you).